Add spirulina into your morning smoothie to start your day off right. - Credit: Archant
Do you feel like your immune system’s been down lately?
No, you’re not the only one getting ill at the moment, and yes, this cold definitely does feel worse than ones we’ve had before.
Here to introduce you to an ingredient that’s been used to fight viruses and flus, Michael Drane, director of Pure Foods Fresh in Norfolk, shares how spirulina can get your body fighting off these pesky winter colds in no time.
Below, he also shares some quick and easy recipes for integrating spirulina into your daily diet.
Q: What is spirulina and what nutrients does it provide?
Spirulina is a type of nutrient-dense algae that’s high in protein and derived from natural freshwater sources like lakes and rivers. Although, these areas also harbour some viruses and bacteria. “To avoid this, we grow our spirulina in specially designed pools and use filtered mineral water to keep this superfood fit for human consumption,” Michael says. “This makes our spirulina the most powerful and only natural source of its kind you can buy on the market today.”
“74 per cent of the spirulina we sell is wholly made up of protein, delivering 18 out of the 20 amino acids which help cell regrowth and are required for the body to function properly,” Michael tells us. “It actually contains three times more protein than meat, making it far easier to feed your body and give it what it needs.
“Your body needs wholesome nutrients, not just supplement powders and tablets, but real food, and that’s what spirulina is,” he explains. The immune-boosting ingredient has 24 times more vitamin E than strawberries, 10 times more calcium than milk, three times more iron than spinach and four times more potassium than in bananas.
“It’s a simple and effective way to care for your body whilst maintaining a healthy and balanced diet,” Michael adds.
Spirulina is a great superfood to build your immune system to fight off viruses and flus. - Credit: Archant.
Q: How will spirulina help me to build my immune system and fight off infection?
“We’ve all heard the saying ‘we are what we eat’, right? Well, our immune systems aren’t any different,” Michael says. “The food we consume contributes massively to our bodies’ immunity and its ability to fight illness or remove toxins from the body.”
Michael explains how our immune systems rely on antioxidants (substances within the body that repair, protect and prevent damage to other cells) in order to remain healthy. Spirulina has been heavily researched by scientist Baruch Dach in its ability to boost antioxidants and increase the number of key cells that possess immune-enhancing properties.
“This significantly improves your body’s ability to fight infection even when it’s under stress from harmful toxins and infections,” he says.
Spirulina is packed with essential antioxidants vitamin E and vitamin C, which can reduce the duration and symptoms of illness. The abundance of iron will improve blood flow of oxygen around the body to aid the immune system, and the selenium and zinc in spirulina have anti-viral properties that can fight infection quicker and more effectively.
Q: How can I introduce spirulina into my everyday diet and lifestyle?
“It really couldn’t be easier,” Michael says. “A good immunity is built on consistency, balance and preparation, so you’ll benefit most from consuming it every day. If you don’t have much time, just grab your fresh spirulina from the freezer and eat it straight from the pot – it's delicious.”
Spirulina is filled with wholesome nutrients like Vitamin C and E to give your health a boost. - Credit: Archant
If you are feeling a little more creative, however, try experimenting with some easy recipes:
Cereal - Add it to your muesli (or any cereal you like) by mixing the spirulina into some yoghurt to form a smooth, creamy and healthy way to kickstart your day.
Smoothie – Add your spirulina into a blender with some water or milk, fruit (pineapple, banana, orange and mango work best), spinach and chai seeds to create a yummy smoothie that you can enjoy on your morning commute.
Pancakes - Make your usual pancake mix, add the spirulina, leave it for an hour and you’re good to go.
Guacamole dip – Smash your avocado, add the spirulina, lime juice, tomato and onion with some salt and pepper for a tasty topping on your tortilla chips.
Pesto – Grind your spirulina with basil, garlic, cheese and nuts, then mix with olive oil for a simple but delectable addition to pizza, pasta, couscous or bread.
If you want to fight the flu, boost your immune system and give your body the nutrients it’s craving, give spirulina a go.
You can find more recipes, information or purchase spirulina at For questions and enquiries, contact the team at