The world's most nutrient-dense food, some say.Contains poison that can cause nervous disorders, others say.It is clear that the bacterium Spirulina is controversial.Spirulina is a photosynthesizing bacterium that is sometimes called algae because it behaves exactly like one.Ebba Olsson is alone in Sweden in growing spirulina.According to her, it is the pure health food.- It is the world's most nutrient-dense food, says Ebba.But there are those who think differently.Bo Landin is a filmmaker from Värmland who has made a documentary about the alleged harmful effects of spirulina.He believes that spirulina has often been proven to contain BMAA, which can cause neurodegenerative diseases such as ALS, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.- It is only a year since the most critical research with the connection to ALS and Alzheimer's was published.Since it now exists, one should raise a question mark about eating spirulina if one has not checked that the spirulina one ingests does not contain the poison, says Bo Landin.No spirulina species have been seen that have more than traces of this"According to Ebba, it is true that cyanobacteria can be harmful, but she does not agree that this would also apply to spirulina.- There are cyanobacteria that can produce a substance called BMAA.It can be toxic in large doses.However, it is not found in spirulina.No spirulina species have been seen that have more than traces of this substance.However, Bo Landin believes that new research proves the opposite.- There is a Canadian research group that has looked at both the raw material spirulina and products available on the Canadian market.In both cases these poisons are found.Not in all products, but almost half half of them.However, it is announced that BMAA has been found in all raw material samples from several countries, but not Sweden.BMAA has been found in all raw material samples"However, the Värmland-produced spirulina was not included in this study.Ebba Olsson believes that they have a good grasp of their products.- We cultivate under very controlled conditions.We send our water for analysis regularly, and we also analyze the cultivation and its purity.Can you say with absolute certainty that spirulina is harmless?- Yes, if it is grown in orderly forms, it is absolutely harmless.However, Ebba Olsson will now, just to be safe, send samples of her products for extra analysis and has made initial contact with an independent analyst.News P4 Värmland p4varmland@sverigesradio.seIn P4 Värmland you hear local news, local current events and local culture.Feel free to contact Sveriges Radio's forum for technical support, where we answer your questions weekdays at9-17.Visiting address (sthlm) for Sveriges Radio AB - Oxenstiernsgatan 20 - 10510 Stockholm - exchange: 08-784 50 00