Home » Agriculture » The superfood rich in protein that gives you energy and prevents anemiaChlorella, with the common name chlorella, is a genus of unicellular green algae of the phylum Chlorophyta.For generations, it was believed that chlorella could serve as a source of food and energy due to its photosynthetic efficiency, which can theoretically reach 8%, comparable to other highly efficient crops such as sugar cane.And it is that as a possible food source, chlorella is also very attractive thanks to its high proportion of proteins and other essential nutrients for humans.However, being a unicellular algae, its large-scale harvest presents enormous difficulties, which is why mass production methods are now beginning to be used for its cultivation in large artificial tanks.As stated above, chlorella is a very energetic and protein-rich food, so its consumption is especially recommended for athletes, as it helps muscle development and tissue regeneration.This algae also contains antioxidants that delay cell aging, helping to care for the skin and eyes.On the other hand, it also helps protect the immune system and reduces blood cholesterol levels.This superfood is also known for being the one with the highest concentration of chlorophyll, the substance that leads photosynthesis in plants and that in the human body is capable of producing purifying and antioxidant effects.Chlorophyll also forms molecules that interfere with the intestinal absorption of carcinogenic chemical compounds, as well as their ability to cause damage to the body.That is why it is used by some therapists in detoxification treatments, such as in the removal of dental amalgams, for example.Chlorella is an original ingredient that enriches recipes with flavor, color, nutrients and substances that benefit health.This algae can be consumed as a complementary nutritional contribution by adding the powder -between two and three grams- to smoothies, fruit juices, sauces or salad dressings, for example.On the other hand, within a therapeutic diet, you can take a teaspoon (5 g) in a glass of water, three times a day (on an empty stomach and after meals, or before if you are looking for a satiating effect).Its intake provides omega 3 fatty acids, B12, iron and other antioxidant substances, which is why it helps us combat the oxidative stress generated by free radicals and strengthen the immune system, something very important and even more so now with COVID.Additionally, taking chlorella as food also helps regulate blood glucose levels.You haven't searched for anything yet.Enter the text you want above.All rights reserved © 2019 ABC Andalucía