A cup of coffee may be a requirement to wake you up in the morning.Coffee is said to be good for health and make you live long.But does coffee make you live longer?Drinking sweetened or unsweetened coffee is associated with a lower risk of death compared to not drinking it, according to a new study published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine.Researchers surveyed 171,616 participants in the UK up to five times a year about their lifestyle, including their coffee drinking habits.Scientists then looked up death certificates to see who died an average of seven years later.Citing CNN, the participants were aged between 37 and 73 and reported that they had no cardiovascular disease or cancer at the time of the survey.Christina Wee, doctorate and professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, who was not involved in the study, revealed that the results showed that people who drank moderate amounts of coffee, i.e. 1.5 to 3.5 cups a day, those who sweetened their coffee had a risk of death of approx. 30 percent lower than those who don't drink coffee.Long-lived unsweetened coffee drinkers had between 16 percent and 29 percent lower risk of death compared to non-coffee drinkers.It's okay if you want to drink sweet coffee or even milk coffee, but pay attention to the amount of sugar that enters the body."If you only add about 1 teaspoon of sugar to your coffee, the longevity benefits of coffee we don't think are completely lost with that 1 teaspoon," says Wee.Based on this research, doctors can tell their patients that most coffee drinkers don't need to eliminate the drink from their diet, but be wary of high-calorie specialty coffees," study lead author Dr. Dan Liu said in an email.Coffee also has a different health profile, depending on how it was produced, says Gunter Kuhnle, professor of nutrition and food science at the University of Reading in the UK.He was not involved in the research.Some types contain phenolic compounds, which are believed to be beneficial, he says.These chemical compounds affect the taste and aroma of coffee and are valuable because they can act as antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties.The two most common coffee species are arabica and robusta, and research shows robusta coffee has a higher phenolic content than arabica coffee.Depending on how you brew it, coffee can contain high levels of diterpenes, which are chemicals that can increase your risk of cardiovascular disease, Kuhnle said.Boiled coffee and French press coffee contain some of the highest amounts of diterpenes, according to a 2016 study.Mocha and espresso coffees contain moderate amounts of diterpenes, while instant coffee or filtered coffee has the least amount of diterpenes.However, this is not a reason to drink instant coffee often, because the sugar content is quite high.Whatever the reason, it turns out that coffee can have a positive impact on health if it is drunk in the right way, including longevity coffee.Here are some ways to drink coffee that can prolong life.Now the coffee creations are so varied, starting from being mixed with palm sugar, hazelnut syrup, to being given a mixture of boba and cream cheese topping.However, the best and healthier coffee to consume is black coffeeIf you're not used to black coffee, you can add a low-fat creamer or other healthy blend.Coffee is sometimes blamed as the cause of various health problems.In fact, what you should blame is the sugar mixture."Too much sugar in your coffee every day can start to cause weight gain for some people and for others it can lead to type 2 diabetes," explains Courtney D'Angelo, a dietitian.Reporting from various sources, there are several choices of natural sweeteners that are healthier than regular sugar, including stevia, xylitol, monk fruit sweetener, or yacon syrup.To make morning coffee more healthy, just try adding protein elements, including protein powder.D'Angelo says protein has many health benefits, especially helping to build muscle, lose fat, and provide energy for the body throughout the day."It also helps keep you fuller longer so you don't have to go to the kitchen for sweet breakfast cookies."There are several ways to add protein to coffee, such as adding eggs, such as the Minang specialty talua coffee, high protein creamer, soy milk, and spirulina powder.Coffee shops usually provide disposable cups or cups.Sometimes you have no other choice because glasses are indeed provided for the purchase of take away coffee."Sure, using disposable coffee cups is convenient. But certain varieties can contain micro-plastics that can get into your coffee," says Manaker.Micro-plastics that continue to enter and accumulate in the body can trigger hormonal imbalances and interfere with health.Therefore, he suggests drinking more coffee with ceramic cups or ordinary glass cups for long life coffee.