Benefits of Sports While Fasting ala Unesa - Even though you are fasting in the month of Ramadan 2022, you must still do physical activity.One of them is exercising.The goal is to keep the body healthy and free from all diseases.In addition, there are many benefits of exercise while fasting.What are they?Launching the website of the State University of Surabaya (Unesa), Thursday (7/4/2022), Unesa Faculty of Sports (FIO) Lecturer Kunjung Ashadi explained the benefits of exercise while fasting.Also read: Unesa Lecturer: Check out the time, duration and type of exercise while fastingThe first benefit of exercise during fasting is that it can improve mood and maintain emotional stability.In addition, it maintains the body's metabolism and makes hormones work optimally.When you exercise, your body releases endorphins, hormones that trigger joy or happiness."That's why, after exercising our bodies feel fresher, more relaxed, minds relaxed and more comfortable," he said, quoted from the Unesa page.During this pandemic, it is very important to maintain your immune system.Often, because the stomach is empty, the condition tends to be weak plus the workload makes a person prone to stress.Mental and psychological burdens are very risky for the decline in body resistance.Exercise can reduce the mental and psychological burden."If you are tired of working plus hunger and thirst, most people are easily stressed. This can make the immune system weak and become susceptible to disease or viruses," he explained.Also read: Diabetes Can Fast, Doctor RSND Undip: First Pay Attention to ThisThe benefit of exercise during the next fast is that it can minimize physical decline.Namely reducing the risk of decreased muscle mass or physical decline that is too deep.During fasting, the physique in general suffers from shrinking.To maintain muscle mass or physical exercise or physical activity is needed."In the world of sports there is a term use it or lose it, meaning use your body or you will lose your body," he said.He gave an example, if someone doesn't jog or push ups for a long time, when suddenly they are asked to jog or push ups, then the body feels stiff and of course will get tired quickly.This condition is understood as a decrease in physical plus physical function due to infrequent use (sports).To reduce the risk of physical decline, the way that can be done is to use it, using the body through exercise.A healthy and fit body plus a good mood can improve work performance and productivity both in the office, at home and elsewhere.This is reasonable, because when fasting, a hungry stomach sometimes makes you feel sleepy and want to lie down.Read also: UGM Pharmacy Alumnus: This is a Guide to Adequate Nutrition During Fasting"It's lazy by nature. If you follow it, work and target achievement can be delayed. If you do sports, we have a ready body and energy and stable emotions to complete certain jobs or tasks," he explained.This article is part of Parapuan.Parapuan is a space for women's self-actualization to achieve their dreams.Write your comments with the hashtag #JernihBerkomentar and win e-vouchers for 90 winners!Get information and insight selected by editorsDouble check and complete your data.Your data will be used for account verification when you need assistance or when unusual activity is found on your account.Immediately complete your data to join the #JernihBerkomentar program.