If there is something that has given me a good vibe for more than two decades, it is spirulina.I declare my love towards this freshwater algae.I don't remember if I discovered its properties first or if it was the other way around, but when I started my studies a long time ago, one of the first things I looked for was foods that could give me energy and this algae was quite a discovery.Its consumption is not very common, but every day it gives me more joy to find a recipe that includes it and also when it is included in a food such as the spirulina spaghetti that I found a few days ago in an organic supermarket.Lately, I have taken to having a green smoothie in the morning of Matcha tea and spirulina with ghee and it feels wonderful in this heat.It helps me a lot to concentrate in the mornings despite the temperatures.Spirulina is among the most popular supplements in the world.It is a rich source of phytochemicals and B vitamins, as well as copper, which strengthens bones and blood.With great energizing power.It is packed with various nutrients and antioxidants that benefit your body and brain.Immune strengthening.According to the first studies, spirulina contains three phytonutrients that would greatly strengthen the immune system: phycocyanin, polysaccharides and sulfolipids.Power source.Spirulina contains six B vitamins: thiamin (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6), and folic acid (B9).They are involved in converting the energy in food into energy that the body can use.According to some research, spirulina would increase the energy level of people with chronic fatigue syndrome, as well as the resistance during exercise.Antioxidant, immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties.Spirulina activates cellular antioxidant enzymes, inhibits lipid degradation and DNA damage, eliminates free radicals and increases the activity of superoxide dismutase, an antioxidant enzyme found naturally in our body;and catalase has a protective role in inflammation, in the prevention of mutations, and prevents aging.Clinical trials show that spirulina also prevents skeletal muscle damage under conditions of exercise-induced oxidative stress and can stimulate antibody production and up- or down-regulate the expression of genes encoding cytokines to induce immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory responses. .If you like recipes and want to find more filling options that improve your health, I recommend the book “Cocina Rica En Buen Humor” by Luna Zacharias Edit.Lunwerg, a book full of healthy and humorous recipes.150 g of coconut or almond flour.250 ml of coconut milk.It is important that it is organic to avoid toxins.1 tablespoon coconut sugar or your favorite sweetener.1 tablespoon of spirulina, or two crushed tablets.Combine all the ingredients and blend until you get a light and smooth dough.In a greased pan with a little EVOO, pour a little batter and make the pancake over and over.As if you were making pancakes.When they are golden on both sides, place the cheese so that it melts taking advantage of the heat of the pan.Optional: pepper, garlic powder, spinach, nutmeg.Filling: Tomatoes, turkey, chicken, coriander, parsley, potatoes, shrimp, prawns, fish, nuts or whatever your imagination asks of you.Any reproduction without the written permission of the company is prohibited for the purposes of article 32.1, second paragraph, of the Law on Intellectual Property.Likewise, for the purposes established in article 33.1 of the Intellectual Property Law, the company records the corresponding reservation of rights, by itself and through its editors or authors.