Spirulina Powder
Plant Origin: Arthrospira platensis
Part Used: Cultivated whole Algae body
Specification: Protein 60%, 65% by Kjeldahl
CAS No.: 724424-92-4
Appearance: Fine green powder
Drying Method: Spray-Dried Powder
Spirulina is a microscopic spiral shaped blue-green vegetable algae which grows in mineral-rich freshwater and saltwater sources. It contains the most remarkable
concentration of nutrients known in any food, plant, grain or herb. It's the
highest protein food- over 60% all digestible vegetable protein. It has the
highest concentration of beta carotene, vitamin B-12, iron and trace minerals and the rare essential fatty acid GLA.
Increasing brain function: Spirulina contains vital amino acids, including
tryptophan and leucine, which promote optimum brain chemistry by
supporting premium neurotransmitter function. It is also accredited with
combating stress and helping to calm nerves.
Increasing body functions: Spirulina helps to reparation damage tissues,
increases organ function and energy levels, while also helping to aid
digestion by increasing intestinal flora such as lactobacillus and bifidus.
In addition, Spirulina is alkalizing and because many foods ingested during
modern times are highly-acidic, choosing alkalizing Spirulina will counteract acidic levels, thereby
supporting a more robust and effective immune system.
Cell damage: Spirulina is also an excellent source of powerful antioxidants,
which slow down cell damage. Examples of antioxidants found in Spirulina
include beta-carotene, vitamin E, Chlorophyll, Zeaxanthin, Superoxide dismutase and
Weight loss: Spirulina is not a weight loss product, however, due to the high
concentration of nutrients you can diet safely while still receiving abundant
nutrients which are free of excess calories. In essence you can eat less
without feeling hungry while still providing your body with the essential
vitamins, minerals and protein that it need to function.
To get the most benefit from Spirulina for weight loss it is recommended that
you take it one hour before eating.
In addition to the above mentioned benefits research studies have shown that Spirulina helps lower blood cholesterol, inflammation and also cleanses the
body of toxin build-
up and can help reduce incidences of chronic fatigue, anemia, low blood
sugar and ulcers. Spirulina is used as a human dietary supplement as well
as a whole food and is available in tablets, capsules, flakes, and powder form.