Wholesale Organic Spirulina Powder Chlorella Vulgaris Powder

Chlorella Vulgaris Powder is a single-celld, fresh-water algae with the highest known concentration of chlorophyll of any living thing. Chlorella contains nearly all the vitamins, minerals, and proteins required to maintain optimal health.
It is also known to alleviate a vast array of ailments by promoting overall stength and vitality. Our organic chlorella powder has had its cell wall broken and this allows more nutrients to be available.

1. Keep full vitality, resist radiation, strengthen metabolism
2.Promote a healthy immune system and antioxidant activity
3. Treating hypertension and diabetes
4.Improve gastrointestinal and digestive health
5.Support cardiovascular function, prevent liver disease and also effectively treat constipation
6.Enhance natural cleansing and detoxification